Beaujolais International Marathon

22 November 2025 Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France 3km, 8km, 13km, 21km, 42km Road running, Walking

The Magic of Beaujolais

The Beaujolais International Marathon is a one-of-a-kind race that combines a festive spirit and athletic effort. Held every November, the “MIB” attracts tens of thousands of runners from all over France and the world, coming to enjoy an experience that is both sporty and convivial. The course traverses the stunning Beaujolais vineyards, dotted with castles and charming villages, with refreshment stations offering more than just water: wine tastings, local delicacies, and musical entertainment. The marathon route (42.195 km) passes by 8 exceptional castles: the Château de Corcelles, the beautiful Château de Pizay, the Château de la Terrière, the Château des Ravatys, the Château de la Brasse, the Château de Sermerzy and finally the Châteaux of Grand and Petit Talancé. To top it all off, the route ends at the famous “Allée des Crus,” where dozens of producers offer tastings of their products, always in moderation of course!

This marathon is also renowned for its unparalleled atmosphere: the vast majority of participants run in costumes, creating a magical environment. In addition to the marathon, several race formats are available to suit all types of runners, from the half-marathon to the 13 km, not to mention a family-friendly race and a charity walk (the Walk for Women). The event also has a strong charitable mission, donating part of the registration fees each year to various associations.

Finally, beyond the race itself, the weekend is marked by essential festivities, including the traditional Pasta Party the night before and a big celebration after the event. It’s no wonder that more than 70 nationalities are represented at this event with its unmatched atmosphere: a must-do for running enthusiasts in France!



  • Here, running is all about enjoyment! From the festive refreshment stops where you can taste Beaujolais wines to the costumes adding a touch of whimsy, the atmosphere is uniquely warm and welcoming.
  • The 42.195 km course weaves through the beautiful landscapes of Beaujolais, with iconic passages through castles and wine-growing villages that give the region its charm.
  • The event extends beyond the race itself, with numerous festivities organized before and after the races to fully enjoy this wonderful region of France.
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